Operation Unclique The Cliques Part 7: The Power of Multiples

Tonight is the event I’ve been so preparing for. Tonight is my high school’s 10 year reunion and there is only one more step I have yet to cover regarding my plan to Unclique The Cliques.

The last step is to gather all interested parties. Is this a solo mission or will I have assistance from others? Originally, I thought that it would be most rewarding for myself if I conducted this operation on my own. But with the help from others, not only will more clique group barriers be broken up, but then the mission will truely be a success. With more people in on my plan, the more increased success will be the result.

With all these steps being set in place, I feel confident that my operation will go as planned. With a little help and a lot of confidence, I believe that if any cliques are still in place, they will no longer cease to be if my plan is successful. My next post should be very informative, about the results of my operation. Stay tuned!

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